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Michigan Technology Conference 2025 - Venue Waiver and Release

Last Updated: November 18, 2024


In consideration for the opportunity to attend/participate at the Michigan Technology Conference (“Conference”) hosted by the Michigan Technology Conference Association, Inc., a Michigan non-profit (“MITechCon”), whose registration requires me to accept this agreement, I hereby agree to the following Waiver and Release of Liability (“Waiver Agreement”).


I hereby release ReImagine Recreation, their sponsors, UWMSC and all of said entities’ members, directors, shareholders, employees, representatives and agents including, but not limited to, all individuals assisting in the instruction and/or supervision of their activities, from any and all rights, claims, demands, actions, and/or lawsuits for any and all injuries, loss or damage suffered by myself, my child(ren) and/or other family members while participating, watching or traveling to or from the Conference.


By acknowledging below, I warrant that I have read and understand that this Waiver Agreement involves my waiver and release of my rights as outlined above, and that this Waiver Agreement is required for my attendance/participation at the Conference.

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